Base Drawing

Description:  A base drawing for the purpose of providing record data for new pipeline installations. The Base Drawing documents the existing site and is used as a background for the new pipeline design.

Drawing Data Required

  1. North Arrow

  2. Right-of-Way

  3. Nearest Cross Street

  4. Vicinity Map (on first sheet only)

  5. Cover Sheet (required for 3 or more drawings)

  6. Existing Pipelines

  7. Complete Topographical Data

  8. Complete Underground Utility Data

  9. Dimension Data

  10. Profile Drawings (when requested)

  11. “USA” Block (on first base drawing only)

  12. “Justification” Block (required only on first sheet)

  13. Pipe Extension Number(s)

  14. General Notes (on first base drawing only, when there is no cover sheet)

Sample of a BASE DRAWING. The numbers above are referenced on the sample drawing.