Cover Sheet

Description: A drawing for the purpose of providing an overall view of the project, showing the proposed pipeline route along with proposed appurtenances (required for 3 or more drawings). The Cover Sheet is developed from the Base Drawings and the Design Drawings.

Drawing Data Required

    1. North Arrow

    2. Right-of-Way

    3. Vicinity Map

    4. Plan

    5. Profile (when requested)

    6. Proposed and Existing Pipelines

    7. Proposed and Existing Pipeline Appurtenances

    8. Border

    9. “Justification” Block

    10. “USA” Block

    11. “Pipe Required” Block

    12. Typical Culvert Detail (when required)

    13. General Notes and Other Notes (if any)

    14. Pipe Extension Number(s)

NOTE: Any scale is acceptable that fits on single sheet.

Sample of COVER SHEET. The numbers above are referenced on the sample drawing