The District uses Bentley System's MicroStation CAD software in the creation and modification of all Pipeline drawings. Consultants who produce drawings for the District shall produce CAD files that are compatible with the version of software currently in use in the specific drafting unit at the District.
All drawings produced for the District shall be in MicroStation V8 - V8i Edition (version 8.11). This version is also called MicroStation V8i. In this manual we will use the term "V8i" to mean version 8.11 . In most cases, Microstation V8 - XM Edition (version 8.9) is also acceptable. Versions prior to version 8.5 will not be accepted.
All MicroStation element types are acceptable except Shared Cells.
Verification of File Format
Each drafting unit at the District, Facility, Pipeline, and Mapping, may use a different version of CAD software. Software is regularly updated, and the current version in use may change during the course of one year. Prior to beginning work on any project the consultant shall verify the correct current software version with the District CAD Contact.
File Checking
File integrity shall be verified by the Consultant before submitting the final CAD files to the District. All CAD files shall be checked for corrupted or invalid elements. Files with corrupted or invalid elements will not be accepted.
Scanning and Raster Images
The Pipeline Drafting Unit uses Bentley System's DesCartes software for viewing, and editing raster images. The raster files used with this software are in CIT format. Use of raster images attached to MicroStation files by means of Raster Manager is generally acceptable. Exceptions may be made for specific projects at the discretion of the District CAD Contact.
Directory Structure
All files and drawings related to a specific distribution pipe or District "W" number shall reside in a single directory. Files that are used as reference files shall reside in the same directory as the file to which they are attached.
2-D and 3-D Files
All drawing files and attached reference files shall be 2-D files. Normally if 3-D application software is used to create files related to a project, those 3-D files shall be converted to 2-D when used as part of a drawing or reference file. The original 3-D files, if any, shall also be submitted to the District as a supplemental submittal. The use of 3-D files for specific purposes may be approved by the District CAD Contact on a per project basis.
Database Associations
The Pipeline Drafting Unit does not use a database in the creation of their drawings. Files submitted to the District shall not contain any database associations.
Translations from Other CAD Systems
The District prefers all consultants to create drawings directly in MicroStation format. A file that is created in MicroStation format will more likely be compatible with the District's CAD system.
If a consultant chooses to create drawings in another CAD system, and translate them to MicroStation, then it is the responsibility of the consultant to ensure that the translation is complete and that no corruptions have occurred in the translated file. Regardless of the CAD system used, all guidelines presented in this manual shall apply.