Seed Files

All drawings produced for the District shall be created using the seed file provided with the Pipeline Software. The seed file provides the basic set-up for the design file. Files created without the correct seed file will not be accepted.

The Pipeline Drafting seed file has been set up with the following parameters. Items shown in BOLD Italic type face should not be altered by the consultant.

Working Units

Master Unit Name: Survey Feet,  Label: '

Sub Unit Name: Survey Feet, Label: '

Resolution:  1000 per Survey Foot

Global Origin

The global origin is set by the District, and remains constant for all projects.

Font Library


Fonts used

Font 3 is the standard font, used for the majority of all text.

Font 42 is used for the "Lot Number" text.

Color Table



No size set up; will be determined by user based on plot scale. See section on Text, in this manual.

Right Angle Lock


Data Readout

Set for master units

Readout Set To

4 decimal places

Angle Format

Conventional Angle, Degrees And Decimals Of A Degree


Keypoint Snap On, Inside Fence Lock On


ON=ALL - All Views,

Active Level

default (do not place any elements on the default level)