Submittal Check List

The following check list summarizes the key items that are required for a final CAD Submittal. Consultants should review this check list and verify that final submittals meet these minimum requirements.

All drawing files have the correct Global Origin and Working Units.

File names conform to the District file naming conventions

All drawings use the District customized Font 3 (with the exception of the Lot Number text which used Font 42), and the correct font size. Most drawing text plots 1/10" high, with text width 80% of text height.

All abbreviations conform to the District's standard drawings for abbreviations.

Elements are drawn on the correct level, in accordance with the level application list.

A completed Reference File Documentation sheet is inside each file where reference files are used, and a hard copy is included in the submittal.

Named views were not used to attach any reference files.

A complete list of every file included in the submittal is provided on hard copy, with a brief (one line) description of each file.

All files are drawn at full size, with a plot scale that matches the predominate drawing scale.

The drawing borders are placed in each file, at the correct plot scale..

The files do not contain shared cells, or any custom line styles that are not provided by the District.

Cells used in the drawings are from the District's cell libraries, and conform to the cell size and name as found in those libraries.

Additional Cells created by the consultant are included in the submittal in a cell library, and only include cells that were not available in the District's cell library.

The correct colors were applied to all elements, per the Settings Manager.

The files do not contain elements or reference file attachments that are in conflict with the District's pen table and plotting parameters.

Final hard copy drawings are on mylar or vellum, as specified in the contract, and contain the file name and plot date in the lower left margin.