This submittal schedule is the minimum recommended schedule. It is to be used when no other schedule is defined by contract. A schedule defined in a contract will override this schedule.
Preliminary Submittal
A preliminary submittal of CAD files shall be submitted to the District at a time determined by the Project Manager. Generally, the preliminary submittal will occur at the 50% completion stage of a design project. The specific drawings required for the preliminary submittal will be determined by the District CAD Contact. The preliminary submittal will be checked for conformance with the District CAD standards contained in this manual.
90% Submittal of CAD Files
The consultant shall submit selected CAD files with the 90% design review submittal. The specific files required will be determined by the District CAD Contact and the Project Manager, and will vary with each project.
Files submitted at the 90% stage will be checked for conformance with the District CAD standards contained in this manual, and with all other drafting standards that are required by the project. All review comments made during the preliminary submittal shall be incorporated into the 90% submittal.
The consultant shall allow two weeks for the District to review and comment on the 90% submittal. All work submitted as final contract documents will incorporate the comments made during the 90% submittal.
Final Submittal Of CAD Files
A submittal of all CAD files associated with a project will be made at the 100% stage, after the drawings have been signed by the consultant and the District. Submittal of all CAD files is required at this stage regardless of the responsibility assigned by the contract for drawing addenda and as built revisions. CAD files submitted at this time shall conform to all CAD standards and drafting standards, and shall incorporate all comments made during previous reviews.
The District will review all CAD files included in the Final Submittal. CAD files that do not conform to the standards outlined in this manual will not be accepted. The consultant will be required to correct any parts of the submittal that do not conform to the standards outlined in this manual, and to the comments issued during the preliminary and 90% reviews.
Subsequent Revisions to CAD Files
If the scope of services requires the consultant to make changes to the drawings for addenda, change orders, or as-builts, then the CAD files associated with these drawing revisions shall be submitted to the District after each revision is signed and issued.
Method of Transmittal of CAD Files
Before submitting CAD files to the District, the Consultant shall confirm the preferred method of transmittal with the District CAD Contact. The requirements may vary with each project. All CAD files shall be compressed of deleted elements before they are submitted to the District. All files submitted shall be accompanied by a hard copy plot.
Normally, files shall be submitted on compact disk (CD-R) or digital video disk (DVD-R). Each CD or DVD shall be labeled with the date and project name. A list of files contained on the CD or DVD should be included with each submittal. (See "Hard Copy File Listing" below.) Other transmittal methods may be acceptable at the discretion of the District CAD Contact.
Final Submittal of Plots
Final drawings submitted to the District shall be plotted at full size, on mylar or vellum. The drawings shall be signed by the appropriate representatives for the consultant, and shall be ready for District review signatures. Additional requirements may be included in the Consulting Agreement or Scope of Services.
Hard Copy File Documentation
A hard copy print of the Reference File Documentation sheet, as described in the "File Control" section of this manual, shall be provided with the final submittal, for each CAD drawing.
Hard Copy File Listing
A complete list of all files shall be included with each submittal of electronic data. This listing shall include every file that is in the submittal, with a brief description of the purpose of that file.
Backup Submittal of CAD Files
On occasion CAD files are copied to CD, DVD, or magnetic media with errors. In order to ensure that the District has access to a good copy of each file, the consultant shall maintain a second copy of each CAD file, at their site, for a period of at least two years after the date of submittal to the District.