Drawings consist of a variety of text styles (called fonts) and text sizes. Specific text parameters have been established for use in all CAD files.
Text Size
The Pipeline Drafting Unit uses several text sizes. Text shall be placed in the CAD file so that it plots with a minimum height of 1/10". The text width is always 80% of text height and line spacing is 50% of text height. See the Appendix section on "Settings Manager Documentation" for a list of the text sizes required for each drawing element. Generally the text size is set by the Settings Manager tool.
A Font Library is attached to each design file. The font library provided by the District is called "PIPEFONT.RSC". It should be assigned as the default font library when working on CAD files for the District.
Pipeline drawings use a customized MicroStation font (font 3 in the font library provided). MicroStation users shall use the font 3, as provided by the District.
This font library provides several special characters as shown below. The keyboard characters shown in the chart below can be used to represent specific engineering symbols. The display on the screen will show the correct appearance of the symbol, providing that the font library is attached and Font 3 is used.