Recommended Procedural Steps

The procedure outlined below applies to drawings produced using MicroStation software.

  1. Before beginning drafting, determine the scale to be used for the plotted drawings and the plan orientation for the design drawings. The scale used depends on the footage of pipeline, the width of the roadway, and whether or not a profile is required. The horizontal scales for all sheet drawings are either 1"=20' or 1"=40'. The horizontal scale for cover sheets and RFS drawings varies. Where profiles are required, the horizontal scale of the profile matches the scale of the plan drawings and the vertical scale is exaggerated ten times. The plan orientation should be determined during the kick-off meeting, and is dependent on the existing water source.

  2. Create the Master File

  1. Create the Base/ Design Drawings

  1. Create the Cover Sheet and RFS Drawing

The cover sheet and RFS drawing is created similarly to the design drawings, but with fewer reference file levels displayed. The pipeline appurtenances should be copied from the reference file into the cover sheet or RFS drawing, and scaled up to match the drawing scale.